Saturday, August 28, 2010

A View From the Kayak

What's up y'all? This is Gary, guest-blogging once again here on Shawn's Iron Man blogspot. Just a quick post today to share some pictures from this morning, as we were out on Rainbow Reservoir at 7:00 a.m. to swim/kayak. It is a gorgeous Saturday here in New England, and we spent 75 minutes in/on the water as Shawn prepares for the big event in Ohio. Only two more weeks to go!

Good luck Shawn!

Be good everybody!!

- Gary - :o)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We are only a few weeks away from the end of this year long challenge. We will reach our original goal of $5,000 for the Lazarex Cancer Foundation so it is time for the challenge to come to an end.

Over the next few weeks we will recap these past 12 months and this amazing journey. I hope you all enjoy!!!

THE BEGINNING: SHAWN HAS GONE CRAZY (but for a good cause)

In September of 2009 we announced the Lazarex Cancer Foundation Challenge. Originally was suppose to be 3 endurance events to create awareness and raise funds for the Lazarex Cancer Foundation. The goal was to raise $5,000.

The first e-mail was entitled “Shawn has gone crazy (but for a good cause)” The original first paragraph of that e-mail is below. MORE TO COME SOON!!

September 4th, 2009,
Some of you may know that Shawn has ran marathons and competed in sprint triathlons over the last several years. But this year he has decided to take on three crazy endurance events in four months; a 1/2 Iron triathlon (1.2 mi swim, 56 mi bike, 13.1 mi run), the Hartford Marathon (26.2 mi run), and the Disney Goofy Run (13.1 mi run followed by full 26.2 mi run the following day). That's crazy if you ask me! But since it's all for a good cause I hope you will check out our safe and secure fundraising page to learn more about the charity we have chosen, Lazarex Cancer Foundation.

Playing In The Rain!!

I remember when I was a little kid from time to time it would rain all day or for days. During this time some yards in the neighborhood would flood creating a little pond for us to slip and slide around in. We use to play in the rain for hours in these flooded yards. I guess somethings do not change.
This past Sunday it rained all day. I waited and waited for the rain to stop. Then around 3:00 I finally gave up put on my running shoes and out into the rain I went. I have to admit the first hour or so was not fun as my shoes went from a little damp, to a little wet, to soaking wet. The second hour was miserable as my water soaked feet weighed what seemed like 5lbs a piece.
Then something happened in the third hour. As it rained even harder and the puddles along the side of the road got even deeper. I went from trying to run around them to running right into them. I actually started to look forward to the next puddle. The cool water flooding into my sneakers as I splashed through them just like when I was a little kid. The 17.5 mile run that day is a run I will not soon forget. Have you remembered what being a child was like lately?

Saturday, August 7, 2010


i need you to hear me say
breathe, just breathe
take the world off your shoulders
and put it on me
breathe, just breathe
let the life that you lead
be all that you need
let go of the fear
let go of the time
let go of the one
to try to put you down
you're gonna be fine
don't hold it inside
go ahead right now
and let it all come round
breathe, just breathe
take the world off your shoulders
and put it on me
breathe, just breathe